Holy Trinity Church History
The congregation of Holy Trinity began meeting in September of 1983 at Christ Lutheran Church in Hot Springs Village. On February 2, 1984, the church was admitted to the Diocese as a Mission. The Rev. James R. McLean, Jr., then Rector of St. Luke’s church in Hot Springs, and other priests of the diocese conducted services each Saturday night until February 1986, when the Rev. Thomas A. Sifford was appointed Vicar of Holy Trinity.
The first phase of constructing Holy Trinity Episcopal Church on Barcelona Road was started in 1987 and consecrated May 29, 1988. This portion of our church is now the parish hall, and is named Sifford Hall.
The current church worship center was designed and constructed in 1995/1996 and was dedicated September 8, 1996. This building is a traditional style Episcopal design attached to the original structure. The entrance includes a Red Door leading into the narthex then the nave which can seat about 250 worshipers. The beautiful stained glass windows, depicting the 14 Stations of the Cross, were installed in 1999 and blessed March 9, 2000. The large stained glass windows, “He is risen”, were installed over the chancel in 2007 and dedicated in September, 2007.
Trinity Episcopal Church of Pine Bluff gave the Altar and reredos (decorations behind the Alter) to Holy Trinity. The Altar and reredos were built in 1870 by Bell and Bocage of Pine Bluff, for Trinity and used there until 1931, at which time they were given to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in McGehee. In 1955, they were returned to Trinity, Pine Bluff. Holy Trinity accepted these gifts shortly after construction had begun in 1987. Our own parishioners re-finished the Altar and reredos, true heirlooms of God.
Historical Timeline
June – Village Episcopalians met with Archdeacon Richard Milwee about becoming a mission.
September 17th – The Reverend James McLean started a 5 p.m. service for Episcopalians at Christ Lutheran Church in Hot Springs Village.
December – Petitioned the Right Reverend Herbert Donovan, Bishop of Arkansas, to become a mission.
February 24th – Petition to become a mission approved and Rev. McLean was appointed priest-in-charge.
July 14th – Bishop Donovan made first visit to Holy Trinity.
September – Search committee formed to find a priest.
April 10th – Long-range committee met with Archdeacon Milwee to recommend the site at Barcelona and Carmona Roads for the home of Holy Trinity Church.
May 18th – Last day for Fr. McLean as priest-in-charge.
January 14th – Annual meeting was held at Coronado Center and several outreach projects were started.
February 1st – The Rev. Thomas Sifford celebrated his first Eucharistic service at Holy Trinity.
June 14th – Fr. Tom was inducted as our vicar by Bishop Donovan.
July – Trinity Episcopal Church in Pine Bluff, AR, donated a used altar.
September 26th – Ground breaking for the church building
December 19th – Diocesan Architectural Committee approved the plans for the church building.
May 15th – First service for Holy Trinity Church was celebrated in its own building.
March 27th – Jack and Harriet McDermott came from Milwaukee, and he was appointed deacon assistant.
July 14th – Jack Reed was appointed chairman of Long-Range Planning Committee.
Groundbreaking ceremony for new building addition with Bishop Larry Maze
September 8th – New worship facility was dedicated and consecrated with Bishop Maze officiating.
August 31st – Father Tom Sifford retired.
Father Jim McLean was again appointed vicar.
March – Holy Trinity became a parish.
March 9th – New stained glass windows (Stations of the Cross) were blessed and the original church became Sifford Hall.
Lorrie Slaymaker was appointed priest associate
February – Mortgage was paid off and burned at the church picnic
December – Father McLean retired
January–June – Father Jim Davis was interim minister.
August 18th – Final stained-glass windows (Resurrection Windows) installed over the altar.
July – The Rev. Richard Biega became priest-in-charge.
August – Father Rich Biega appointed rector.
January – Father Rich Biega retired.
December 1st – Fr. Neil Kaminski became our rector.
2013 through 2021 -- currently under construction